Friday, April 3, 2009


I'm slowly realizing each day how pathetic I am.
School is just one thing, but I'm not speaking scholastically.
As I dwell on my classes and how I can be effective in pointing others towards Christ, the Holy Spirit asked me a question,
"When you will have left this particular class, will anyone have known you were a Christian."

This question entails many questions.

Have I made Christ known simply through my own countenance? Like being interested in education, being excited about listening and learning to what my teacher is saying.
Do I act different about what others will most likely consider boring?
Do I participate in discussions and proclaim Jesus through the truth to be found about said discussion?
Again, can anyone tell I am a Christian? Can anyone tell I follow Jesus Christ?
Have I ever said anything relating to the Gospel?
Have I given any of my classmates hope in the midst of their hopeless lives?

If I realized what Christ has done for me, what eternal hell He has saved me from, then I would be excellent at answering these questions.

The fact isn't so much that I'm off the hook, because I can't comprehend what Christ has done, but more so, because my sinful flesh contains pride and fear that screams, "You are better than them, they don't deserve your time, just keep soaking in growing in godliness on your own accord."

It's pathetic.

I'm off to Sonic, but there are answers to hopelessness, and there is a Light that can always outshine the darkness.